It’s done! It’s done! The slide show is done! Yes, with the help of my very patient web savvy son, I can finally share my trip to the International Quilt Market in Houston 2 weeks ago. As a first timer, I not only had a great time networking, etc. but also taking photos. There were ‘aisles and miles’ of inspirational colors and textures. So, for those of you who have never attended such a large show or market, I hope you can get a sense of the Market from behind your screen! Enjoy ‘the trip!’ As a designer, I found that ideas just kind of generated themselves as I walked up and down the walkways and taking in all the displays. Now I just have to decide just which ideas I should pursue in the coming months. The hardest thing for me is that I have not had time to quilt at all in the last 9-10 months, while I have been designing, drafting, photographing, and writing patterns as well as making the samples!! I miss the quiet meditation that I have when I sit and stitch. I’m beginning to think I will need to designate myself a ‘vacation’ – a time frame in which I will just focus on my own personal projects. Mind you, I am not complaining – after having chronic lymes for who knows how many years, I finally connected with ‘lymes literate doctor’ a year ago; with one year of treatment behind me, I am cautiously esctatic – feeling much better with more energy and improved stamina and less fatigue. I still have a way to go, but am hoping the trend continues. Who knows what I could get done if I had more energy!?!?!?
I will write more in my next post about the new pin patterns that will gradually be showing up on the site – ready for sale. The first pattern is there – Snowflake Pins-Two Variations . I don’t think it will take long for you to discover that these are fun to make, usually will take only a day (maybe two at most!) But I must warn you…they can be addictive!! I will likely post a future tutorial on my construction techniques, etc.
By the way, please notice a few new things on the website – there are now ‘buttons’ for you to Like Me on facebook, follow me on Twitter, or have an RSS feed. As I work to increase my social media exposure, I appreciate your sharing my site with others who might have an interest!