Close up of my 2010 Minnesota Quilters challenge quilt

Close up of my 2010 Minnesota Quilters challenge quilt

What a surprise I had this morning! In 2010, I attended the Minnesota Quilters Show with my DH. He thought it would be a great idea for me to try a challenge quilt…despite my persistent thoughts that I have plenty of quilts and projects in my head and am well aware that I am in the last half century of my life!! Despite my deepest reservations and with considerable reluctance, I purchased the challenge kit and took it home, thinking at worst, I’ll just have a few more fat quarters for my stash! Unfortunately, hubby knows me well, and soon ‘it’ was gnawing at me – and long story short- I ended up with this quilt some intensive months later! More…

The gals at Quilter's Haven in Rosemount

The gals at Quilter’s Haven in Rosemount

Yesterday, I was back at Quilter’s Haven in Rosemount for the second, finishing and ‘show and tell’ topper class. We were a small group, but enjoyed seeing what each had done as well as discussing problems or choices. It is a hard choice to offer a class with two separate class sections – a few weeks apart – as many people struggle with schedules and can’t manage to make it back for the second class. Yet the toppers simply can not be finished in a one day class, and while many would find it easy to finished the project successfully at home, many others – especially those new to wool – need the second class session to resolve questions and issues. Of course, missing the second class also means missing ‘show and tell.’ Selfishly, I love seeing what everyone does, not only do I get feedback (the good and the bad!) but I also am inspired by the range of creativity. More…

Mmmm..frosted donuts in my back yard!!

Mmmm..frosted donuts in my back yard!!

OK… I couldn’t help it…It’s a beautiful snowy morning here in Minnesota and I love watching the snow fall. I know – this is NOT fun for those who have to travel to work or get across a town to an appointment, but for those of us who are lucky enough to just be able to ‘hunker down’ in a warm home (with untold projects that are begging for attention!), this snowy world provides us much beauty. (And for anyone who has a young canine companion, the snow provides unlimited opportunities to laugh while watching them enjoy the fluffy white stuff!!) However, I did not expect to see the above scene less than 25 feet from our back windows – frosted donuts! More…

Turning those sharp outside points!

Turning those sharp outside points!

It’s been a busy week – our two little grandgirls came to visit while their mom and dad took care of business in the cities. At ages 2+ and 4+ they are both an absolute delight as well as the cause for a realization that my DH and I aren’t quite as young as we used to be! Even Reka, our Aussie(a breed known to be extremely high energy), looks exhausted by the time they leave!! No matter, it surely is wonderful to experience the world through a child’s perspective! Of course, it also means that I need to put away all my projects and materials (they stay in the guest room which is where I do my designing, etc.) This wouldn’t be so bad, but as I return to my projects, I find that I am continually looking for something I can’t find – but I remember just where it was before I put it all away!! Wish I had a penny for every minute I spend figuring out just where I put something!! Anyhow, I do remember that I promised this post about how I tackle turning an ‘outside’ point with the blanket stitch. It can be challenging – especially for a beginner – to figure out how to get a nicely turned ‘sharp’ corner with the blanket stitch. So here goes… More…